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#1 06 Jan 2018 01:32

From: New Zealand
Registered: 31 May 2006
Posts: 121

read/store array from lowest to highest eg 1 - 11

Is there a way to sort digits in an array from lowest to highest eg 1 - 20, WITHOUT resorting to prefixing a leading 0 so they are both same number of digits? This is because my range may vary somewhat, and I don't want to have to write extra logic to deal with prefixing 0's etc. I understand that variables are text, however I'm sure someone here has a simple work around.


set _x_1=value
set _x_10=value
set _x_2=value
set _x_[10]=value
set _x_[11]=value
set _x_[1]=value
set _x_[2]=value
set _x_[3]=value

values are displayed in that order, if using the set command

for /f "usebackq tokens=2-3* delims=_=" %g in (`set _x_ 2^>nul`) do (echo %g&echo %h)

If I want to call the values on the array, I would use a command as above, however it is not sorted by numerical order.


Last edited by NDog (06 Jan 2018 01:35)

cmd, vbs, ps, bash
autoit, python, swift


#2 06 Jan 2018 04:43

Registered: 05 Dec 2012
Posts: 149

Re: read/store array from lowest to highest eg 1 - 11

As you said, such values are sorted in that way if using the set command, so the solution is not use set to process the array elements, but a for /L command:

for /L %%i in (1,1,20) do echo !_x_[%%i]!

Of course, this method requires setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion command at beginning of the program.



#3 09 Jan 2018 04:38

From: New Zealand
Registered: 31 May 2006
Posts: 121

Re: read/store array from lowest to highest eg 1 - 11

Hi Aacini

Thanks, its a simple tip but works great.
EnableDelayedExpansion not required if you call a sub big_smile

@echo off&cls
for %%a in ("%~dp0\.") do set _parentdir=%%~nxa
title %_parentdir%

:: Install Software - by ndog, credits to Aacini

set _fPath_[1]=%~dp0Drivers\Broadcom Bluetooth Software 6.5\sp61617\Win64\BTW.msi
set _swtch_[1]=/passive
set _regKy_[1]={A1439D4F-FD46-47F2-A1D3-FEE097C29A09}
set _regDN_[1]=Broadcom Bluetooth Software
set _regDV_[1]=

set _fPath_[2]=%~dp0Drivers\Validity Fingerprint Sensor Driver 4.3.301.0\sp56403.exe
set _swtch_[2]=/s
set _regKy_[2]={DA83578A-7DB2-4CF6-9453-CF24C7917AB8}
set _regDN_[2]=Validity WBF DDK
set _regDV_[2]=4.3.301.0

set _fPath_[3]=%~dp0Utilities\HP CoolSense Technology 2.10.51\sp60051.exe
set _swtch_[3]=/s /v"/passive"
set _regKy_[3]={11AF9A96-6D83-4C3B-8DCB-16EA2A358E3F}
set _regDN_[3]=HP CoolSense
set _regDV_[3]=2.10.51

set _fPath_[4]=%~dp0Utilities\HP Power Manager Utility Software 1.40\sp57398.exe
set _swtch_[4]=/s /v"/passive"
set _regKy_[4]={7E799992-5DA0-4A1A-9443-B1836B063FEC}
set _regDN_[4]=HP Power Manager
set _regDV_[4]=1.4.8

:: loop through installation packages
set _count=4
for /l %%g in (1,1,%_count%) do (call :sub_install "%%g")

:: script finished
goto :eof

:sub_install <index>
  :: set variables
  set _index=%~1
  call set _fPath=%%_fPath_[%_index%]%%%
  if not defined _fPath goto :eof
  call set _swtch=%%_swtch_[%_index%]%%%
  call set _regKy=%%_regKy_[%_index%]%%%
  call set _regDN=%%_regDN_[%_index%]%%%
  call set _regDV=%%_regDV_[%_index%]%%%

  echo Installing %_regDN% %_regDV%
  :: query registry for DisplayVersion 64bit and 32bit uninstall locations
  for /f "tokens=3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%_regKy%" /v "DisplayVersion" 2^>nul') do set _reg_version=%%a
  if "%_reg_version%" geq "%_regDV%" goto :eof
  for /f "tokens=3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%_regKy%" /v "DisplayVersion" 2^>nul') do set _reg-wow64_version=%%a
  if "%_reg-wow64_version%" geq "%_regDV%" goto :eof

  :: install software with switch
  start /wait "" "%_fPath%" %_swtch%
  goto :eof

Last edited by NDog (09 Jan 2018 14:25)

cmd, vbs, ps, bash
autoit, python, swift


#4 10 Jan 2018 18:56

Registered: 05 Dec 2012
Posts: 149

Re: read/store array from lowest to highest eg 1 - 11

NDog wrote:

Hi Aacini

Thanks, its a simple tip but works great.
EnableDelayedExpansion not required if you call a sub big_smile

. . . .

Well, yes, but call command is less efficient than using Delayed Expansion, so I used to not use call to achieve a double expansion, excepting in certain cases...

Anyway, your call example is wrong. You inserted three percent-signs at end, but the right number is two:

:sub_install <index>
  :: set variables
  set _index=%~1
  call set _fPath=%%_fPath_[%_index%]%%
  if not defined _fPath goto :eof
  call set _swtch=%%_swtch_[%_index%]%%
  call set _regKy=%%_regKy_[%_index%]%%
  call set _regDN=%%_regDN_[%_index%]%%
  call set _regDV=%%_regDV_[%_index%]%%
  . . . .

Also, it has no much sense to duplicate the value of %~1 parameter into _index variable just to use its value. You may directly use the parameter in each case:

:sub_install <index>
  :: set variables
  call set _fPath=%%_fPath_[%~1]%%
  if not defined _fPath goto :eof
  call set _swtch=%%_swtch_[%~1]%%
  call set _regKy=%%_regKy_[%~1]%%
  call set _regDN=%%_regDN_[%~1]%%
  call set _regDV=%%_regDV_[%~1]%%
  . . . .



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