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#1 18 Sep 2013 00:42

New Member
Registered: 17 Sep 2013
Posts: 1

batch script for specific format. No Links Allowed :( 3W's is example

I found your forum while researching a way to create a special directory listing.  There were some pretty unique ideas in this forum that came very close to what I needed.  I have tried modifying them with some success but still end up getting an output that needs modifications to be of use in the way I need it.

I manage a site that hosts a group of sub-sites made by various people.  the entry to their sites includes 3w's.themastersite/theirname/theirsubsite.

with that directory list, I have a perfect list of access ports for each sub-site.  VERY useful for organizing and making sure that all is correct.

What I need is a directory list that would show the full path from the top level to each sublevel and every sub-sub-level 4 levels deep beneath it.  Just the directory names.  no file names.  I have tried various incantations of dir and gotten nowhere.
the first problem is that there is a "buffer" folder between the master site and the sub-sites called "webroot". 
If I could run "DIR *.  /S/4"  while I was in the "3W'" folder  and get 3w', next line 3w', and so on.
the Johndoe would eventually change to marysmith, and all the rest of the people.  the fictional "dir command" (as written) is what I would assume to be asking for directories only and 4 levels deep.

If anyone knows a way to accomplish this in a single run I would be ever so grateful.  the DIR command wont do it.  I have also tried a variation of the DU and the best I got at all was using powershell.  I would gladly accept even having webroot left in as I can run a search and replace to get rid of it and the backward slashes. (which is part of what I am having to do now smile  )  I have to run this list at least once a day and it gets tiring to say the least.


#2 18 Sep 2013 10:59

Registered: 04 Apr 2013
Posts: 339

Re: batch script for specific format. No Links Allowed :( 3W's is example

This works here:

@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /ad /b /s ^| findstr \\.*\\.*\\.*\\.* ^| findstr /v \\.*\\.*\\.*\\.*\\') do echo %%a


#3 19 Sep 2013 10:39

From: UK
Registered: 29 Dec 2006
Posts: 1,129

Re: batch script for specific format. No Links Allowed :( 3W's is example

While I guess foxidrive's method could probably get the job done the problem would be that it will still parse the entire directory structure -- with web content that could be rather large.

I propose this alternative method:

@echo off

set "dir=X:\yourDirectory"

for /d %%a in ("%dir%\*") do (
for /d %%b in ("%%~a\*")  do (
for /d %%c in ("%%~b\*")  do (
for /d %%d in ("%%~c\*")  do (

goto :EOF

It's not very extensible or flexible, but should work fine.  With a bit of work I think a variation on this method it could be made to select an arbitrary number of directory levels.

Last edited by bluesxman (19 Sep 2013 10:41)

cmd | *sh | ruby | chef


#4 19 Sep 2013 10:51

From: UK
Registered: 29 Dec 2006
Posts: 1,129

Re: batch script for specific format. No Links Allowed :( 3W's is example

Actually, if you have robocopy (comes as standard with Vista and up; also available from Microsoft for anything older) you can do it like this:

robocopy /lev:4 /e /njh /njs /nc /ns /nfl /l X:\yourDirectory X:\not\a\real\directory

NB -- level "1" is the root of "yourDirectory" so you may need to increment the "/lev" switch by one to get the desired result.

cmd | *sh | ruby | chef


#5 19 Sep 2013 13:10

Registered: 05 Dec 2012
Posts: 149

Re: batch script for specific format. No Links Allowed :( 3W's is example

@echo off

rem DirLevel.bat - Antonio Perez Ayala

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

if "%1" neq "" goto begin
echo List directories up to a given level from current directory
echo    DirLevel level
goto :eof

set "curDir=%cd%"
if "%curDir:~-1%" neq "\" set "curDir=%curDir%\"
set "lastName="
for /D /R %%a in (*) do (
   set "dir=%%a"
   set "dir=!dir:*%curDir%=!"
   set level=0
   set "name="
   for %%b in ("!dir:\=" "!") do if "!level!" neq "%1" (
      set name=!name!\%%~b
      set /A level+=1
   if "!name!" neq "!lastName!" (
      echo %curDir%!name:~1!
      set "lastName=!name!"



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