Tail \ Head

Microsoft Windows
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Tail \ Head

Post by MigrationUser »

22 May 2013 06:46

Probably there are other implementations of tail , but I couldn't find:

Code: Select all

@echo off

	if "%~2" equ "" echo USAGE: %~n0 file lines && exit /b 2
	if not exist "%~1" echo file does not exists && exit /b 1

	set /a lines=%~2
	setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
		for /f "tokens=1,2* delims=:" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%~1"') do (
			if %%L LEQ %lines% (
				echo/ %%M
			) else (
				goto :endfor

Not good work so good - set's one additional new line at the end.And !s are not processed well.

Last edited by npocmaka (23 May 2013 13:08)


#2 22 May 2013 07:43

Hi npocmaka,
npocmaka wrote:

And !s are not processed well.
Disable delayed expansion and this problem is gone.

BUT there are still some others.

You strip all leading colons from any line.

With "echo/ %%M" you prefix each line with a space and it fails for a line containing a single "?",
better use "echo(%%M" here.

You could use the "set/p" technic to read the lines or the FOR/F delayed toggling technic.


Last edited by jeb (22 May 2013 07:46)


#3 22 May 2013 08:37



Code: Select all

@echo off

	if "%~2" equ "" echo USAGE: %~n0 file lines && exit /b 2
	if not exist "%~1" echo file does not exists && exit /b 1

	set /a lines=%~2
	setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
		for /f "tokens=1,2* delims=:" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%~1"') do (
			if %%L LEQ %lines% (
				setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
				) else (
				goto :endfor

The main fault that I was not thought is that if the line starts with : it will be missed.

And the possibility of breaking parentheses context makes me sick :) .Prefer to use echo? or echo\ instead of echo(

Will try another implementations later...


#4 22 May 2013 08:53

Hmmm, why are you toggling delayed expansion? Your code don't need it at all.
npocmaka wrote:

And the possibility of breaking parentheses context makes me sick :) .Prefer to use echo? or echo\ instead of echo(
No. echo( never breaks the parentheses context.
But echo\ fails with "..\..\..\windows\system32\calc.exe" in %%M

Code: Select all

@echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set /a lines=%~2
for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%~1"') do (
	set "line=%%L"
	for /F "delims=:" %%n in ("%%L") do (
		if %%n LEQ %lines% (
			setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
			set "text=!line:*:=!"
		) ELSE goto :break

#5 22 May 2013 09:06

great :)

Didn't find way to break it.And it can be easy enhanced to show the lines from the end...


#6 22 May 2013 09:32

and the enhanced edition (if the number of lines is negative shows the last lines):

Code: Select all

@echo off
	if "%~2" equ "" echo USAGE: %~n0 file lines && exit /b 2
	if not exist "%~1" echo file does not exists && exit /b 1

setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set /a lines=%~2
if %lines% LSS 0 (
	for /F %%C in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%~1" ^| find /C ":"')  do set line_count=%%C && goto :backward

for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%~1"') do (
	set "line=%%L"
	for /F "delims=:" %%n in ("%%L") do (
		if %%n LEQ %lines% (
			setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
			set "text=!line:*:=!"
		) ELSE goto :break
exit /b 0

set /a start_line=%line_count%%lines%
for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%~1"') do (
	set "line=%%L"
	for /F "delims=:" %%n in ("%%L") do (
		if %%n GEQ %start_line% (
			setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
			set "text=!line:*:=!"
exit /b 0
borrowed some code form Ranguna173 . Hope she/he does not mind whoever she/he is.


#7 22 May 2013 09:37

On recent Windows this works - 65K lines generates a pause but that's the only issue.

for line 120 and onward

Code: Select all

More +120 "file.txt"

#8 22 May 2013 12:18
foxidrive wrote:

On recent Windows this works - 65K lines generates a pause but that's the only issue.

for line 120 and onward

Code: Select all

More +120 "file.txt"
Actually the above will pause after every screen unless the MORE output is either redirected or piped. But I believe you are correct that even piped or redirected output will pause at some point.

Unfortunately the pause is not the only issue.

MORE converts TABs into a series of SPACEs, and there is no way to prevent MORE from doing that. That may or may not be a problem.

Dave Benham


#9 22 May 2013 12:37
dbenham wrote:

MORE converts TABs into a series of SPACEs, and there is no way to prevent MORE from doing that. That may or may not be a problem.
Confirmed fwiw. That's a bugger. Win 8 converts a tab at the start of a line into 8 spaces.

There are so many gotcha's in batch - I think that's why we like it. :D


#10 23 May 2013 13:12

First release candidate .More I look at this more it looks like something that can be simplified :) :
(it accepts two arguments BEGIN and END for the lines beyond the file.If some of arguments is negative it will start from the end).Still not extensive tested.

Code: Select all

@echo off
rem ---------------------------
rem ------ arg parsing --------
rem ---------------------------
    if "%~1" equ "" goto :help
        for %%H in (/h -h /help -help) do (
                if /I "%~1" equ "%%H" goto :help
        setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
                set "prev="
                for %%A in (%*) do (
                        if /I "!prev!" equ "-file" set file=%%~fsA
                        if /I "!prev!" equ "-begin" set begin=%%~A
                        if /I "!prev!" equ "-end" set end=%%~A
                        set prev=%%~A
        endlocal & (
                if "%file%" neq "" (set file=%file%)
                if "%begin%" neq "" (set /a begin=%begin%)
                if "%end%" neq "" (set /a end=%end%)
rem -----------------------------
rem --- invalid cases check -----
rem -----------------------------
        if "%file%" EQU "" echo file not defined && exit /b 1
        if not exist "%file%"  echo file not exists && exit /b 2
        if not defined begin if not defined end echo neither BEGIN line nor END line are defined && exit /b 3
rem --------------------------
rem -- function selection ----
rem --------------------------
        if defined begin if %begin%0 LSS 0 for /F %%C in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%file%" ^| find /C ":"')  do set /a lines_count=%%C
        if defined end if %end%0 LSS 0 if not defined lines_count for /F %%C in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%file%" ^| find /C ":"')  do set lines_count=%%C
        if not defined begin if defined end if %end%0 GEQ 0 goto :positive_end_only
        if not defined begin if defined end if %end%0 LSS 0 goto :negative_end_only
        if not defined end if defined begin if %begin%0 GEQ 0 goto :positive_begin_only
        if not defined end if defined begin if %begin%0 LSS 0 goto :negative_begin_only
        if %begin%0 LSS 0 if %end%0 LSS 0 goto :negative_negative
        if %begin%0 LSS 0 if %end%0 GEQ 0 goto :negative_positive
        if %begin%0 GEQ 0 if %end%0 LSS 0 goto :positive_negative
        if %begin%0 GEQ 0 if %end%0 GEQ 0 goto :positive_positive
goto :eof
rem -------------------------
rem ------ functions --------
rem -------------------------
rem -----  single cases -----

        setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
        for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%file%"') do (
                set "line=%%L"
                for /F "delims=:" %%n in ("%%L") do (
                        IF %%n GEQ %begin% (
                                setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
                                set "text=!line:*:=!"
goto :eof
        setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
        set /a begin_line=%lines_count%%begin%+1
        for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%file%"') do (
                set "line=%%L"
                for /F "delims=:" %%n in ("%%L") do (
                        if %%n GEQ %begin_line% (
                                setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
                                set "text=!line:*:=!"
goto :eof
        setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
        for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%file%"') do (
                set "line=%%L"
                for /F "delims=:" %%n in ("%%L") do (
                        IF %%n LEQ %end% (
                                setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
                                set "text=!line:*:=!"
                        ) ELSE goto :break_peo
goto :eof
        setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
        set /a end_line=%lines_count%%end%+1
        for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%file%"') do (
                set "line=%%L"
                for /F "delims=:" %%n in ("%%L") do (
                        IF %%n LEQ %end_line% (
                                setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
                                set "text=!line:*:=!"
                        ) ELSE goto :break_neo
goto :eof
rem ---  end and begin cases -----
        setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
        set /a end_line=%lines_count%%end%+1
        set /a begin_line=%lines_count%%begin%+1
        if %begin_line% GTR %end_line% goto :break_nn
        for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%file%"') do (
                set "line=%%L"
                for /F "delims=:" %%n in ("%%L") do (
                    IF %%n GEQ %begin_line% (
                                IF %%n LEQ %end_line% (
                                        setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
                                        set "text=!line:*:=!"
                                ) ELSE goto :break_nn
goto :eof
        setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
        set /a begin_line=%lines_count%%begin%+1
        if %begin_line% GTR %end% goto :break_nn
        for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%file%"') do (
                set "line=%%L"
                for /F "delims=:" %%n in ("%%L") do (
                    IF %%n GEQ %begin_line% (
                                IF %%n LEQ %end% (
                                        setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
                                        set "text=!line:*:=!"
                                ) ELSE goto :break_np
goto :eof
        echo oioioi
        setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
        set /a end_line=%lines_count%%end%+1
        if %begin% GTR %end_line% goto :break_nn
        for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%file%"') do (
                set "line=%%L"
                for /F "delims=:" %%n in ("%%L") do (
                    IF %%n GEQ %begin% (
                                IF %%n LEQ %end_line% (
                                        setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
                                        set "text=!line:*:=!"
                                ) ELSE goto :break_pn
goto :eof
        setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
        if %begin% GTR %end% goto :break_nn
        for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%file%"') do (
                set "line=%%L"
                for /F "delims=:" %%n in ("%%L") do (
                    IF %%n GEQ %begin% (
                                IF %%n LEQ %end% (
                                        setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
                                        set "text=!line:*:=!"
                                ) ELSE goto :break_pp
goto :eof
rem ------------------
rem --- HELP ---------
rem ------------------
        echo %~n0 - dipsplays a lines of a file defined by -BEGIN and -END arguments passed to it
        echo( USAGE:
        echo %~n0  -file=file_to_process {-begin=begin_libe ^| -end=end_line }
        echo or
        echo %~n0  -file file_to_process {-begin begin_libe ^| -end end_line }
        echo( if some of arguments BEGIN or END has a negative number it will start to count from the end of file
        echo( http://ss64.org/viewtopic.php^?id^=1707

goto :eof
Last edited by npocmaka (23 May 2013 18:40)


#11 29 May 2013 09:42

And here is a little bit improved version plus version that uses FOR /F - both are fairly the same. The second version should be faster , but i didn't make tests yet.Soon will create also SET /P version and will think about performance improvements (if it's possible).Still both versions set one additional empty line at the end.Will be glad to hear/red any feedback :)

FINDSTR version

Code: Select all

@echo off
rem ---------------------------
rem ------ arg parsing --------
rem ---------------------------
    if "%~1" equ "" goto :help
        for %%H in (/h -h /help -help) do (
                if /I "%~1" equ "%%H" goto :help
        setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
            set "prev="
            for %%A in (%*) do (
                    if /I "!prev!" equ "-file" set file=%%~fsA
                    if /I "!prev!" equ "-begin" set begin=%%~A
                    if /I "!prev!" equ "-end" set end=%%A
                    set prev=%%~A
        endlocal & (
                if "%file%" neq "" (set file=%file%)
                if "%begin%" neq "" (set /a begin=%begin%)
                if "%end%" neq "" (set /a end=%end%)
rem -----------------------------
rem --- invalid cases check -----
rem -----------------------------
        if "%file%" EQU "" echo file not defined && exit /b 1
        if not exist "%file%"  echo file not exists && exit /b 2
        if not defined begin if not defined end echo neither BEGIN line nor END line are defined && exit /b 3
rem --------------------------
rem -- function selection ----
rem --------------------------
        if defined begin if %begin%0 LSS 0 for /F %%C in ('find /c /v "" ^<"%file%"')  do set /a lines_count=%%C
        if defined end if %end%0 LSS 0 if not defined lines_count for /F %%C in ('find /c /v "" ^<"%file%"')  do set lines_count=%%C
                rem -- begin only
        if not defined begin if defined end if %end%0 GEQ 0 goto :end_only
        if not defined begin if defined end if %end%0 LSS 0 (
                        set /a end=%lines_count%%end%+1
                        goto :end_only
                rem -- end only
        if not defined end if defined begin if %begin%0 GEQ 0 goto :begin_only
        if not defined end if defined begin if %begin%0 LSS 0 (
                        set /a begin=%lines_count%%begin%+1
                        goto :begin_only
                rem -- begin and end
        if %begin%0 LSS 0 if %end%0 LSS 0 (
                        set /a begin=%lines_count%%begin%+1
                        set /a end=%lines_count%%end%+1
                        goto :begin_end
        if %begin%0 LSS 0 if %end%0 GEQ 0 (
                        set /a begin=%lines_count%%begin%+1
                        goto :begin_end
        if %begin%0 GEQ 0 if %end%0 LSS 0 (
                        set /a end=%lines_count%%end%+1
                        goto :begin_end
        if %begin%0 GEQ 0 if %end%0 GEQ 0 (
                        goto :begin_end
goto :eof
rem -------------------------
rem ------ functions --------
rem -------------------------
rem -----  single cases -----
        setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
        for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%file%"') do (
                set "line=%%L"
                for /F "delims=:" %%n in ("%%L") do (
                        if %%n GEQ %begin% (
                                setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
                                set "text=!line:*:=!"
goto :eof
        setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
        for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%file%"') do (
                set "line=%%L"
                for /F "delims=:" %%n in ("%%L") do (
                        IF %%n LEQ %end% (
                                setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
                                set "text=!line:*:=!"
                        ) ELSE goto :break_eo
goto :eof
rem ---  end and begin case  -----
        setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
        if %begin% GTR %end% goto :break_be
        for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /R /N "^" "%file%"') do (
                set "line=%%L"
                for /F "delims=:" %%n in ("%%L") do (
                    IF %%n GEQ %begin% IF %%n LEQ %end% (        
                        setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
                        set "text=!line:*:=!"
                    ) ELSE goto :break_be                              
goto :eof
rem ------------------
rem --- HELP ---------
rem ------------------
        echo %~n0 - dipsplays a lines of a file defined by -BEGIN and -END arguments passed to it
        echo( USAGE:
        echo %~n0  -file=file_to_process {-begin=begin_line ^| -end=end_line }
        echo or
        echo %~n0  -file file_to_process {-begin begin_line ^| -end end_line }
        echo( if some of arguments BEGIN or END has a negative number it will start to count from the end of file
        echo( http://ss64.org/viewtopic.php^?id^=1707
goto :eof

FOR /Fversion

@echo off
rem ---------------------------
rem ------ arg parsing --------
rem ---------------------------
    if "%~1" equ "" goto :help
        for %%H in (/h -h /help -help) do (
                if /I "%~1" equ "%%H" goto :help
        setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
            set "prev="
            for %%A in (%*) do (
                    if /I "!prev!" equ "-file" set file=%%~fsA
                    if /I "!prev!" equ "-begin" set begin=%%~A
                    if /I "!prev!" equ "-end" set end=%%A
                    set prev=%%~A
        endlocal & (
                if "%file%" neq "" (set file=%file%)
                if "%begin%" neq "" (set /a begin=%begin%)
                if "%end%" neq "" (set /a end=%end%)
rem -----------------------------
rem --- invalid cases check -----
rem -----------------------------
        if "%file%" EQU "" echo file not defined && exit /b 1
        if not exist "%file%"  echo file not exists && exit /b 2
        if not defined begin if not defined end echo neither BEGIN line nor END line are defined && exit /b 3
rem --------------------------
rem -- function selection ----
rem --------------------------
        if defined begin if %begin%0 LSS 0 for /F %%C in ('find /c /v "" ^<"%file%"')  do set /a lines_count=%%C
        if defined end if %end%0 LSS 0 if not defined lines_count for /F %%C in ('find /c /v "" ^<"%file%"')  do set lines_count=%%C
                rem -- begin only
        if not defined begin if defined end if %end%0 GEQ 0 goto :end_only
        if not defined begin if defined end if %end%0 LSS 0 (
                        set /a end=%lines_count%%end%+1
                        goto :end_only
                rem -- end only
        if not defined end if defined begin if %begin%0 GEQ 0 goto :begin_only
        if not defined end if defined begin if %begin%0 LSS 0 (
                        set /a begin=%lines_count%%begin%+1
                        goto :begin_only
                rem -- begin and end
        if %begin%0 LSS 0 if %end%0 LSS 0 (
                        set /a begin=%lines_count%%begin%+1
                        set /a end=%lines_count%%end%+1
                        goto :begin_end
        if %begin%0 LSS 0 if %end%0 GEQ 0 (
                        set /a begin=%lines_count%%begin%+1
                        goto :begin_end
        if %begin%0 GEQ 0 if %end%0 LSS 0 (
                        set /a end=%lines_count%%end%+1
                        goto :begin_end
        if %begin%0 GEQ 0 if %end%0 GEQ 0 (
                        goto :begin_end
goto :eof
rem -------------------------
rem ------ functions --------
rem -------------------------

rem --- single cases ---
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
	set counter=0
	for /f "usebackq delims=" %%L in ("%file%") do (
		set /a counter=!counter!+1
		if !counter! GEQ %begin% (
			setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
goto :eof

setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
	set counter=0
	for /f "usebackq delims=" %%L in ("%file%") do (
		set /a counter=!counter!+1
		if !counter! LEQ %end% (
			setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
		) else goto :break_eo
goto :eof

rem ---- begin and end ---

setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
	if %begin% GTR %end% goto :break_be
	set counter=0
	for /f "usebackq delims=" %%L in ("%file%") do (
		set /a counter=!counter!+1
		IF !counter! GEQ %begin% IF !counter! LEQ %end% ( 
			setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
		) else goto :break_be

goto :eof

rem ------------------
rem --- HELP ---------
rem ------------------
        echo %~n0 - dipsplays a lines of a file defined by -BEGIN and -END arguments passed to it
        echo( USAGE:
        echo %~n0  -file=file_to_process {-begin=begin_line ^| -end=end_line }
        echo or
        echo %~n0  -file file_to_process {-begin begin_line ^| -end end_line }
        echo( if some of arguments BEGIN or END has a negative number it will start to count from the end of file
        echo( http://ss64.org/viewtopic.php^?id^=1707
goto :eof

#12 17 Jul 2013 20:39

just a way with a less code to show the first lines of a file:

Code: Select all

@echo off
rem fc  "<some_file>"  "%temp%\empty" /lb <numbers> /t | find /v "*****" | more +1
rem for /f "skip=3 eol=* delims=" %%L in ('fc "%temp%\empty" "<some_file>" /lb<lines_to_show> /t') do (echo(%%L)

fc "%temp%\empty" "<some_file>" /lb  <lines_to_show> /t |more +4 | findstr /B /E /V "*****"

rem and a line counter
for /f "skip=5 eol=* delims=: " %%N in ('fc %temp%\empty shiftt.bat /a /n') do (echo(%%N)
Last edited by npocmaka (17 Jul 2013 22:42)
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