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#1 19 Dec 2012 04:54

From: Chile
Registered: 04 Nov 2008
Posts: 251

BG.exe v2.5 Utility



BG v2.5 (unicode)

BG.EXE is a tool for print text color in cmd.exe. It accepts regular expressions for print ascii characters. It also have useful functions.

::::: Parameters :::::

::Wait until you press any key, and returns the ascii code.
::If an extended key was pressed, returns the second code plus 255. Example. If you pressed the up arrow (224, 72) returns 327 (72+255).

::If any key was pressed, returns the ascii code, else return 0.
::If the key pressed is extended, it returns the second code plus 255. Example. If you pressed the up arrow (224, 72) returns 327 (72+255).

::Wait until you press left or right button into console area.
::When you press a valid button of mouse print:
:: 1|2 rowNumber colNumber
:: 1 is left button.
:: 2 is right button.

::Print eight numbers, separated by a space, that corresponds to the current:
::Year Month Day DayOfWeek Hour Minute Second Milliseconds
::DayOfWeek value is from 0 to 6. 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, ..., 6 is Saturday
::Day value is from 1 to 31
::Month value is from 1 to 12
::Year value is from 1601 to 30827
::Hour value is from 0 to 23
::Minute value is from 0 to 59
::Second value is from 0 to 59
::Milliseconds value is from 0 to 999

Cursor 0 | 1 | 25 | 50 | 100
::hide or show cursor of keyboard or change the size.
::0 hide
::1 show
::25 small size
::50 medium size
::100 large size

Font 0 | 1| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
::change the size of font

Sleep milliseconds
::do a wait or sleep in milliseconds.

Locate row column
::locate the position of cursor in row and column specified, zero index based.

Beep [0-3]
::play a sound of the system asynchronously.

::print the code page used and set the value in errorlevel.

Color [0-F][0F]
::change the color of the console screen.
::without parameters it print the current color of console screen.

Print text
::print text without new line to end. The text is interpreted how regular expression.
::please see the regular expressions in down.

Print color text ...
::print text in color without new line to end. You can repeat arguments.
::the text recognize the next Regular Expressions:
\n print a newline
\\ print \
\Number  A decimal ascii number code from 0 to 255 else the character printed is undefined.
Example: \1 print face character
Note 1: In some cases is needed usage the regular expression of Number with width of 3.
Example: \0655 is A5
Note 2: You can repeat arguments.
Example: BG.exe Print A "Text in color A" B "Text in color B"

Sprite row column [color text ...]
::Begin printing of colored text in the row and col (zero index based). The column is fixed.
::The regular expression: \n is for jump to the next row and the fixed column.
::The regular expression: \0 is for not print any character (transparent).
::Example Code:
Color 07
Set "spi=A \32\32\219\32\32\32\32\32\219\32\32\n"
Set "spi=%spi%\32\32\32\219\32\32\32\219\32\32\32\n"
Set "spi=%spi%\32\32\219\219\219\219\219\219\219\32\32\n"
Set "spi=%spi%\32\219\219 E \219 A \219\219\219 E \219 A \219\219\32\n"
Set "spi=%spi%\219\219\219\219\219\219\219\219\219\219\219\n"
Set "spi=%spi%\219\32\219\219\219\219\219\219\219\32\219\n"
Set "spi=%spi%\219\32\219\32\32\32\32\32\219\32\219\n"
Set "spi=%spi%\32\32\32\219\219\32\219\219\32\32\32"
BG.exe Sprite 2 2 %spi%
Pause >Nul

::::: Colours :::::

colours values is a one hexadecimal (0123456789ABCDEF) digit for each concept.

0 = Black
1 = Blue
2 = Green
3 = Aqua
4 = Red
5 = Purple
6 = Yellow
7 = White
8 = Gray
9 = Light Blue
A = Light Green
B = Light Aqua
C = Light Red
D = Light Purple
E = Light Yellow
F = Bright White

bg.exe v2.5 official executable checksum:

SHA1: 2dd52a98c56b2d73b18edea55543612a1d130ab2

//for make bg.exe v2.5

::This make BG.exe v2.5
::Source code at:
@Echo off
SetLocal EnableExtensions
Del /f /q /a bg.exe bg.ex_ >nul 2>&1
For %%b In (
) Do >>bg.exe (Echo For b=1 To len^(%%b^) Step 2
Echo WScript.StdOut.Write Chr^(CByte^("&H"^&Mid^(%%b,b,2^)^)^) : Next)
Cscript /b /e:vbs bg.exe > bg.ex_
Expand -r bg.ex_ >nul
Del bg.ex_ >nul 2>&1
Goto :Eof

//batch game of puzzles
sokobox-small_zps2062e82f.pngLink: Sokobox

Last edited by carlos (19 Dec 2012 04:58)


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