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#1 22 Jan 2015 05:52

From: Nevada
Registered: 22 Jan 2015
Posts: 5

Batch-Only Math - With Floating Point & Bignum

Hello everyone. For the past few... longer than I'd care to admit, I've been working on a floating point bignum capable set of subroutines written exclusively in batch script. I'm now at a point where it appears to work and the speed isn't completely horrible, so I've decided now is as good of time as any to share it with the world.

The script - and all updates I toss at it - can be found on GitHub. Search for "MathLibrary.cmd". I'd post a direct link but this forum thinks I'm too new to trust with such power and responsibility.

The script (code is at the bottom of this post) can do things like this:

MathLibrary.cmd 43210143213420123224430133021342230134201234233012.330344211031234432012342323012432344123001234320124321014321342012322443013302134223013420123423301233034421103123443201234232301243234412300123432012432101432134201232244301330213422301342012342330123303442110312344320123423230124323441230012343201243210143213420123224430133021342230134201234233012330344211031234432012342323012432344123001234320124321014321342012322443013302134223013420123423301233034421103123443201234232301243234412300123432012 + 43210143213420123224430133021342230134201234233012.330344211031234432012342323012432344123001234320124321014321342012322443013302134223013420123423301233034421103123443201234232301243234412300123432012432101432134201232244301330213422301342012342330123303442110312344320123423230124323441230012343201243210143213420123224430133021342230134201234233012330344211031234432012342323012432344123001234320124321014321342012322443013302134223013420123423301233034421103123443201234232301243234412300123432012

And it will faithfully return (eventually - takes about 40 seconds or so for this one):

Note that this is very much a work in progress. There are a few more things I'm going to try and do with multiplication and division, and, if I can get a way to get an actual performance gain out of calculating more than one character integer at a time (previous attempts at using quads or octs have been disappointing, with gains being eaten entirely by the overhead necessary to check for "octal" strings, pad 0's back to the resulting answer, and so forth), I'm going to try and squeeze that in as well. That said, performance is still tolerably reasonable as long as you don't try to push past, say, 500 character arguments. It is also, near as I can tell, "correct", meaning it produces "right" answers, provided you don't divide by 0 (I don't have an error condition for that, so it just returns a bunch of 9's).

Anyway, look it over and give it a try!

Since some of you might want to see the code, here it is:


:: MathLibrary.cmd
:: David Colborne -

:: This project is licensed using the Simplified BSD license.
:: For additional details, see the LICENSE file on GitHub.

:: To use MathLibrary.cmd, simply call it:
:: 		MathLibrary.cmd 1 / 2
:: It will (eventually) return: 
:: 		0.5

	:: Front-end for MathLibrary.
	:: Requires all subroutines listed here.
	:: Accepts three arguments, passed when script is called:
	:: %1 - First number
	:: %2 - Operation to be performed (+, -, *, /)
	:: %3 - Second number
	:: %4 - Result (optional - passed by reference)
	:: Example invocation:
	:: CALL MathLibrary.cmd 1 + 2 _Result
	:: |--> Adds 1+2 and saves result in _Result

	SET _Num1=%1
	SET _Op=%2
	SET _Num2=%3
	SET _CmdResult=
	IF %_Op%==+ (
		CALL :ExtAdd %_Num1% %_Num2% _CmdResult
	IF %_Op%==- (
		CALL :ExtSubtract %_Num1% %_Num2% _CmdResult
	IF %_Op%==* (
		CALL :ExtMultiply %_Num1% %_Num2% _CmdResult
	IF %_Op%==/ (
		CALL :ExtDivision %_Num1% %_Num2% _CmdResult
	IF /I %_Op%==com (
		CALL :ExtCompare %_Num1% %_Num2% _CmdResult
	IF NOT [%4]==[] (
		SET %4=%_CmdResult%


	SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
	:: Used to divide arbitrary numbers together
	:: Requires - :ExtDim, :ExtMatchPad, :ExtUnDecimal, :ExtCompare, :ExtSubtract, :ExtAdd, :ExtPad
	:: Accepts three parameters:
	:: %1, %2 - The numerator and denominator, respectively (passed by value)
	:: %3 - The result (passed by reference)
	:: Example invocation:
	:: CALL :ExtDivision %_Num1% %_Num2% _Result
	:: |--> Divides _Num1 by _Num2 and returns result in _Result
	SET _DivN=%1
	SET _DivD=%2
	SET _DivResult=
	SET _IntLen=1
	SET _DivNRtoL=0
	SET _DivDRtoL=0
	SET _DivNegFlag=0
	IF %_DivN:~0,1%==- (
		IF %_DivD:~0,1%==- (
			SET _DivN=%_DivN:~1%
			SET _DivD=%_DivD:~1%
		) ELSE (
			SET _DivN=%_DivN:~1%
			SET _DivNegFlag=1
	) ELSE (
		IF %_DivD:~0,1%==- (
			SET _DivD=%_DivD:~1%
			SET _DivNegFlag=1

	CALL :ExtDim %_DivN% _DivNLen _DivNDec
	CALL :ExtDim %_DivD% _DivDLen _DivDDec
	IF %_DivNDec% LEQ %_DivNLen% (
		CALL :ExtUnDecimal _DivN %_DivNLen% %_DivNDec%
		SET /A _DivNRtoL=_DivNLen-_DivNDec
		SET _DivDecFlag=1
	IF %_DivDDec% LEQ %_DivDLen% (
		CALL :ExtUnDecimal _DivD %_DivDLen% %_DivDDec%
		SET /A _DivDRtoL=_DivDLen-_DivDDec
		SET /A _DivD_L_1=_DivDLen-1
		SET /A _DivD_D_1=_DivD_L_1+1
		SET _DivDecFlag=1
	:: Set max precision here!
	IF %_DivNLen% GEQ %_DivDLen% (
		SET /A _DivMaxPrec=_DivNLen+10
	) ELSE (
		SET /A _DivMaxPrec=_DivDLen+10
	:: Multiplication is expensive - let's do it as little as needed.
	:: Meaning NEVER.	
	SET _DivD_1=%_DivD%
	IF NOT DEFINED _DivD_L_1 SET _DivD_L_1=%_DivDLen%
	IF NOT DEFINED _DivD_D_1 SET _DivD_D_1=%_DivDDec%
	SET _DivD_Prev=%_DivD%
	FOR /L %%G IN (2,1,9) DO (
		CALL :ExtAdd !_DivD_Prev! %_DivD% _DivD_%%G
		SET _DivD_Prev=!_DivD_%%G!
		CALL :ExtDim !_DivD_%%G! _DivD_L_%%G _DivD_D_%%G
	:: Long division time...
	SET _DivLoop=0
	SET _DivCoef=
	SET _DivResDecPos=
	SET _DivCoef_L=0
	SET _DivCoef_D=1
		IF %_DivLoop% GTR %_DivMaxPrec% GOTO ExtEndDivisionLoop
		SET _DivResCol=0
		CALL SET _DivCol=%%_DivN:~%_DivLoop%,%_IntLen%%%
			IF [%_DivCoef%]==[0] GOTO ExtEndDivisionLoop
			SET _DivCol=0
			SET _DivDecFlag=1
			IF NOT DEFINED _DivResDecPos SET /A _DivResDecPos=_DivLoop+1
		IF NOT [%_DivCoef%]==[0] (
			SET _DivCoef=%_DivCoef%%_DivCol%
			SET /A _DivCoef_L+=1
			SET /A _DivCoef_D+=1
		) ELSE (
			SET _DivCoef=%_DivCol%
			SET /A _DivCoef_L=1
			SET /A _DivCoef_D=2
		IF %_DivCoef% EQU 0 GOTO ExtContinueDivLoop
		FOR /L %%H IN (9,-1,0) DO (
			CALL :ExtCompare !_DivD_%%H! %_DivCoef% _DivInComp !_DivD_L_%%H! !_DivD_D_%%H! %_DivCoef_L% %_DivCoef_D%
			IF NOT !_DivInComp!==GTR (
				SET _DivResCol=%%H
				CALL :ExtSubtract %_DivCoef% !_DivD_%%H! _DivCoef
				CALL :ExtDim !_DivCoef! _DivCoef_L _DivCoef_D
				GOTO ExtContinueDivLoop
		SET _DivResult=%_DivResult%%_DivResCol%
		SET /A _DivLoop+=1
		GOTO ExtDivisionLoop
	IF DEFINED _DivDecFlag (
		CALL :ExtDim %_DivResult% _DivResLen _DivResTmp
		IF NOT DEFINED _DivResDecPos SET /A _DivResDecPos=_DivResTmp
		SET /A "_DivResDecPos=_DivResDecPos-_DivNRtoL+_DivDRtoL"
		CALL :ExtReDecimal _DivResult _DivResLen !_DivResDecPos!
		SET /A _DivRightPad=_DivDRtoL-_DivNRtoL-_DivResLen+_DivDLen
		IF !_DivRightPad! GTR 0 (
			CALL :ExtPad _DivResult !_DivRightPad! R _DivResLen _DivResDecPos
	) ELSE (
		CALL :ExtDim %_DivResult% _DivResLen _DivResTmp

		SET _Zero=0
		SET _IntLen=2
		CALL SET _DivLInt=%%_DivResult:~%_Zero%,%_IntLen%%%
		SET _DivLInt0=%_DivLInt:~0,1%
		SET _DivLInt1=%_DivLInt:~1,1%
		IF NOT %_DivLInt0%==0 GOTO ExtDivDoneStrippingLeadingZeroes
		IF NOT DEFINED _DivLInt1 GOTO ExtDivDoneStrippingLeadingZeroes
		IF %_DivLInt1%==. GOTO ExtDivDoneStrippingLeadingZeroes
		SET /A _DivResLen-=1
		CALL SET _DivResult=%%_DivResult:~-%_DivResLen%%%
		GOTO ExtDivStripLeadingZeroes
	IF %_DivNegFlag%==1 SET _DivResult=-%_DivResult%
	ENDLOCAL & SET %3=%_DivResult%

	SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
	:: Used to multiply arbitrary numbers together
	:: Requires - :ExtDim, :ExtMatchPad, :ExtAdd, :ExtUnDecimal, :ExtReDecimal
	:: Accepts three parameters:
	:: %1, %2 - The two numbers being multipled (passed by value)
	:: %3 - The result (passed by reference)
	:: Example invocation:
	:: CALL :ExtMultiply %_Num1% %_Num2% _Result
	:: |--> Multiplies _Num1 and _Num2 together, saves result in _Result
	SET _Mul1=%1
	SET _Mul2=%2
	SET _MulResult=0
	SET _MulCarry=0
	SET _IntLen=1
	SET _MulNegFlag=0
	IF %_Mul1:~0,1%==- (
		IF %_Mul2:~0,1%==- (
			SET _Mul1=%_Mul1:~1%
			SET _Mul2=%_Mul2:~1%
		) ELSE (
			SET _Mul1=%_Mul1:~1%
			SET _MulNegFlag=1
	) ELSE (
		IF %_Mul2:~0,1%==- (
			SET _Mul2=%_Mul2:~1%
			SET _MulNegFlag=1
	CALL :ExtDim %_Mul1% _MulLen1 _MulDec1
	CALL :ExtDim %_Mul2% _MulLen2 _MulDec2
	IF %_MulDec1% LEQ %_MulLen1% (
		CALL :ExtUnDecimal _Mul1 %_MulLen1% %_MulDec1%
		SET /A _MulDecPos1=_MulLen1-_MulDec1
		SET _MulDecPos2=0
		SET /A _MulLen1-=1
		SET _MulDecFlag=1
	IF %_MulDec2% LEQ %_MulLen2% (
		CALL :ExtUnDecimal _Mul2 %_MulLen2% %_MulDec2%
		SET /A _MulDecPos2=_MulLen2-_MulDec2
		IF NOT DEFINED _MulDecPos1 SET _MulDecPos1=0
		SET /A _MulLen2-=1
		SET _MulDecFlag=1

	FOR /L %%G IN (%_MulLen1%,-1,1) DO (
		SET /A _BMulPos=%%G-1
		SET _MulColRes=
		SET _MulCarry=0
		SET /A _MulCol=%%G+1

		FOR /L %%H IN (!_MulCol!,1,%_MulLen1%) DO SET _MulColRes=0!_MulColRes!

		FOR /L %%I IN (%_MulLen2%,-1,1) DO (
			SET /A _TMulPos=%%I-1
			CALL SET _MulInt1=%%_Mul1:~!_BMulPos!,%_IntLen%%%
			CALL SET _MulInt2=%%_Mul2:~!_TMulPos!,%_IntLen%%%
			SET /A _MulByPos=_MulInt1*_MulInt2+_MulCarry
			IF !_MulByPos! GEQ 10 (
				SET _MulCarry=!_MulByPos:~0,1!
				SET _MulByPos=!_MulByPos:~1,1!
			) ELSE (
				SET _MulCarry=0
			SET _MulColRes=!_MulByPos!!_MulColRes!

		IF !_MulCarry! GTR 0 SET _MulColRes=!_MulCarry!!_MulColRes!
		CALL :ExtAdd !_MulColRes! !_MulResult! _MulResult
	IF DEFINED _MulDecFlag (
		SET /A _MulDecPos=_MulDecPos1+_MulDecPos2
		CALL :ExtDim %_MulResult% _MulResLen _MulResDec
		SET /A _MulResDec=_MulResLen-_MulDecPos+1
		CALL :ExtReDecimal _MulResult _MulResLen !_MulResDec!
	IF %_MulNegFlag%==1 SET _MulResult=-%_MulResult%
	ENDLOCAL & SET %3=%_MulResult%

	SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
	:: Used to subtract an arbitrary number from another
	:: Requires - :ExtMatchPad, :ExtDim, :ExtCompare
	:: Accepts three parameters:
	:: %1 - Minuend (passed by value)
	:: %2 - Subtrahend (passed by value)
	:: %3 - The result (passed by reference)
	:: Example invocation:
	:: CALL :ExtSubtract %_Num1% %_Num2% _Result
	:: |--> Subtracts _Num2 from _Num1 and saves result in _Result

	SET _SubtractResult=
	SET _SubtractCarry=0
	SET _IntLen=1
	SET _SubNegChk1=%1
	SET _SubNegChk2=%2
	SET _SubtractNegSwap=0
	SET _Zero=0
	SET _One=1
	IF %_SubNegChk1:~0,1%==- (
		IF NOT %_SubNegChk2:~0,1%==- (
			SET _SubtractNegSwap=1
			SET _SubtractM=%_SubNegChk1:~1%
			SET _SubtractS=%_SubNegChk2%
			CALL :ExtAdd !_SubtractM! !_SubtractS! _SubtractResult
			GOTO ExtSubtractReturnResult
		) ELSE (
			CALL :ExtCompare %1 %2 _SubComResult
			IF !_SubComResult!==GTR (
				SET _SubtractM=%_SubNegChk2:~1%
				SET _SubtractS=%_SubNegChk1:~1%
			) ELSE (
				SET _SubtractM=%_SubNegChk1:~1%
				SET _SubtractS=%_SubNegChk2:~1%
				SET _SubtractNegSwap=1
	) ELSE (
		IF %_SubNegChk2:~0,1%==- (
			SET _SubtractM=%_SubNegChk1%
			SET _SubtractS=%_SubNegChk2:~1%
			CALL :ExtAdd !_SubtractM! !_SubtractS! _SubtractResult
			GOTO ExtSubtractReturnResult
		) ELSE (
			CALL :ExtCompare %1 %2 _SubComResult
			IF !_SubComResult!==LSS (
				SET _SubtractM=%2
				SET _SubtractS=%1
				SET _SubtractNegSwap=1
			) ELSE (
				SET _SubtractM=%1
				SET _SubtractS=%2

	CALL :ExtDim %_SubtractM% _SubtractMLen _SubtractMDec
	CALL :ExtDim %_SubtractS% _SubtractSLen _SubtractSDec
	CALL :ExtMatchPad _SubtractM _SubtractS _SubtractLen _SubtractDec %_SubtractMLen% %_SubtractMDec% %_SubtractSLen% %_SubtractSDec%

	FOR /L %%G IN (%_SubtractLen%,-1,1) DO (
		SET /A _SubtractPos=%%G-1
		CALL SET _SubtractIntM=%%_SubtractM:~!_SubtractPos!,%_IntLen%%%
		CALL SET _SubtractIntS=%%_SubtractS:~!_SubtractPos!,%_IntLen%%%
		IF !_SubtractIntM!==. (
			SET _SubtractResult=.!_SubtractResult!
		) ELSE (
			SET /A _SubtractByPos=_SubtractIntM-_SubtractIntS-_SubtractCarry
			IF !_SubtractByPos! LSS 0 (
				SET _SubtractCarry=1
				SET /A _SubtractByPos+=10
			) ELSE (
				SET _SubtractCarry=0
			SET _SubtractResult=!_SubtractByPos!!_SubtractResult!
	CALL :ExtDim %_SubtractResult% _SubtractResLen _SubtractResDec
	IF %_SubtractResDec% GTR %_SubtractResLen% GOTO ExtSubtractDoneStrippingTrailingZeroes
		SET /A _SubStripMax=_SubtractResLen-_SubtractResDec+1
		SET _SubStripOff=0
		FOR /L %%G IN (1,1,%_SubStripMax%) DO (
			SET _SubStripPos=%%G
			CALL SET _SubZChk=%%_SubtractResult:~-!_SubStripPos!,%_One%%%
			IF NOT !_SubZChk!==0 (
				GOTO ExtSubtractFoundTrailingZeroes
			) ELSE SET _SubStripOff=%%G
		IF %_SubZChk%==. SET /A _SubStripOff+=1
		CALL SET _SubtractResult=%%_SubtractResult:~%_Zero%,-%_SubStripOff%%%
		CALL :ExtDim %_SubtractResult% _SubtractResLen _SubtractResDec
		IF %_SubtractResLen% GTR %_SubtractResDec% (
			SET /A _SubStripLoopLen=%_SubtractResDec%-2
		) ELSE SET /A _SubStripLoopLen=%_SubtractResLen%-1
		FOR /L %%G IN (0,1,%_SubStripLoopLen%) DO (
			SET _SubStripPos=%%G
			SET _SubStripOff=%%G
			CALL SET _SubZChk=%%_SubtractResult:~!_SubStripPos!,%_One%%%
			IF NOT !_SubZChk!==0 GOTO ExtSubtractFoundLeadingZeroes
		CALL SET _SubtractResult=%%_SubtractResult:~%_SubStripOff%%%

	IF %_SubtractNegSwap% EQU 1 SET _SubtractResult=-%_SubtractResult%

	ENDLOCAL & SET %3=%_SubtractResult%

	SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
	:: Used to add two arbitrary numbers together.
	:: Requires - :ExtMatchPad, :ExtDim
	:: Accepts three parameters:
	:: %1, %2 - The numbers to be added together (passed by value)
	:: %3 - The result (passed by reference)
	:: Example invocation:
	:: CALL :ExtAdd %_Num1% %_Num2% _Result
	:: |--> Sums _Num1 and _Num2 and saves result in _Result

	SET _Add1=%1
	SET _Add2=%2
	SET _AddResult=
	SET _AddCarry=0
	SET _IntLen=1
	SET _AddNegFlag=0
	IF %_Add1:~0,1%==- (
		IF %_Add2:~0,1%==- (
			SET _AddNegFlag=1
			SET _Add1=%_Add1:~1%
			SET _Add2=%_Add2:~1%
			GOTO ExtAddNums
		) ELSE (
			SET _Add1=%_Add1:~1%
			CALL :ExtSubtract %_Add2% !_Add1! _AddResult
			GOTO ExtAddReturnResult
	) ELSE (
		IF %_Add2:~0,1%==- (
			SET _Add2=%_Add2:~1%
			CALL :ExtSubtract %_Add1% !_Add2! _AddResult
			GOTO ExtAddReturnResult
	CALL :ExtDim %_Add1% _Add1Len _Add1Dec
	CALL :ExtDim %_Add2% _Add2Len _Add2Dec
	CALL :ExtMatchPad _Add1 _Add2 _AddLen _AddDec %_Add1Len% %_Add1Dec% %_Add2Len% %_Add2Dec%

	FOR /L %%G IN (%_AddLen%,-1,1) DO (
		SET /A _AddPos=%%G-1
		CALL SET _AddInt1=%%_Add1:~!_AddPos!,%_IntLen%%%
		CALL SET _AddInt2=%%_Add2:~!_AddPos!,%_IntLen%%%
		IF !_AddInt1!==. (
			SET _AddResult=.!_AddResult!
		) ELSE (
			SET /A _AddByPos=_AddInt1+_AddInt2+_AddCarry
			IF !_AddByPos! GEQ 10 (
				SET _AddCarry=1
				SET /A _AddByPos-=10
			) ELSE (
				SET _AddCarry=0
			SET _AddResult=!_AddByPos!!_AddResult!

	IF %_AddCarry% EQU 1 SET _AddResult=1%_AddResult%
	IF %_AddNegFlag% EQU 1 SET _AddResult=-%_AddResult%

	ENDLOCAL & SET %3=%_AddResult%

	SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
	:: Used to compare two numbers.
	:: Requires - :ExtDim, :ExtMatchPad
	:: Accepts the following parameters:
	:: %1, %2 - The numbers to compare, evaluated in order (passed by value)
	:: %3 - The result, returned as GTR, LSS, or EQU
	:: Optional arguments:
	:: %4, %5 - Length and decimal position of %1
	:: %6, %7 - Length and decimal position of %2
	:: Example invocation:
	:: CALL :ExtCompare %_Num1% %_Num2% _Result
	:: |--> If _Num1 is 1 and _Num2 is 3, returns LSS.
	:: |--> If _Num1 is 3 and _Num2 is 1, returns GTR
	:: |--> If _Num1 and _Num2 are both 3, returns EQU
	SET _Com1=%1
	SET _Com2=%2
	SET _ComLen=
	SET _IntLen=1
	SET _ComResult=EQU
	SET _ComNegFlag=0
	IF %_Com1:~0,1%==- (
		IF NOT %_Com2:~0,1%==- (
			SET _ComResult=LSS
			GOTO ExtCompareReturnResult
		) ELSE (
			SET _ComNegFlag=1
			SET _Com1=%_Com1:~1%
			SET _Com2=%_Com2:~1%
			GOTO ExtCompareCheck
	IF %_Com2:~0,1%==- (
		SET _ComResult=GTR
		GOTO ExtCompareReturnResult
	IF NOT [%7]==[] (
		SET _Com2Len=%6
		SET _Com2Dec=%7
	) ELSE CALL :ExtDim %_Com2% _Com2Len _Com2Dec
	IF NOT [%5]==[] (
		SET _Com1Len=%4
		SET _Com1Dec=%5
	) ELSE CALL :ExtDim %_Com1% _Com1Len _Com1Dec
	SET /A _Com1IntLen=_Com1Len-_Com1Dec
	IF %_Com1IntLen%==-1 SET _Com1IntLen=%_Com1Len%
	SET /A _Com2IntLen=_Com2Len-_Com2Dec
	IF %_Com2IntLen%==-1 SET _Com2IntLen=%_Com2Len%
	IF %_Com1IntLen% GTR %_Com2IntLen% (
		SET _ComResult=GTR
		GOTO ExtCompareReturnResult
	IF %_Com2IntLen% GTR %_Com1IntLen% (
		SET _ComResult=LSS
		GOTO ExtCompareReturnResult
	CALL :ExtMatchPad _Com1 _Com2 _ComLen _ComDec %_Com1Len% %_Com1Dec% %_Com2Len% %_Com2Dec%
	FOR /L %%G IN (0,1,%_ComLen%) DO (
		SET /A _ComPos=%%G
		CALL SET _ComLInt=%%_Com1:~!_ComPos!,%_IntLen%%%
		CALL SET _ComRInt=%%_Com2:~!_ComPos!,%_IntLen%%%
		IF NOT !_ComLInt!==. (
			IF !_ComLInt! LSS !_ComRInt! (
				SET _ComResult=LSS
				GOTO ExtCompareCheckNeg
			IF !_ComLInt! GTR !_ComRInt! (
				SET _ComResult=GTR
				GOTO ExtCompareCheckNeg
	IF %_ComNegFlag% EQU 1 (
		IF %_ComResult%==GTR SET _ComResult=LSS
		IF %_ComResult%==LSS SET _ComResult=GTR
	ENDLOCAL & SET %3=%_ComResult%

	SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
	:: Used to strip decimal points out of numbers.
	:: Requires - :ExtDim
	:: Necessary for division and multiplication. See :ExtReDecimal.
	:: Accepts the following parameters:
	:: %1 - The number to strip (passed by reference)
	:: %2, %3 (Optional) - Length and Decimal position of the stripped number
	:: Example invocation:
	:: CALL :ExtUnDecimal _Num1
	:: |--> If _Num1=123.45, returns 12345
	:: Note that you should store the decimal position for use in :ExtReDecimal
	:: elsewhere.
	SET _UnDNum=!%1!
	SET _UnDResult=
	SET _UnDLeft=
	SET _UnDRight=
	IF NOT [%3]==[] (
		SET _UnDLen=%2
		SET _UnDDec=%3
	) ELSE CALL :ExtDim %_UnDNum% _UnDLen _UnDDec
	IF %_UnDDec% LEQ %_UnDLen% (
		SET _UnD0=0
		SET /A _UnDLLen=_UnDDec-1
		SET /A _UnDRLen=_UnDLen-_UnDDec
		CALL SET _UnDLeft=%%_UnDNum:~!_UnD0!,!_UnDLLen!%%
		CALL SET _UnDRight=%%_UnDNum:~%_UnDDec%,!_UnDRLen!%%
		SET _UnDResult=!_UnDLeft!!_UnDRight!
	) ELSE (
		SET _UnDResult=!_UnDNum!
	ENDLOCAL & SET %1=%_UnDResult%

	SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
	:: Used to place a decimal point back into a number.
	:: Useful for proper decimal placement when multiplying or dividing.
	:: Accepts the following parameters:
	:: %1 - The number to place the decimal into (passed by reference)
	:: %2 - The length of the number string (passed by reference)
	:: %3 - The decimal position (passed by value, counting from the left)
	:: Example invocation:
	:: CALL :ExtReDecimal _Num1 _NumLen 6
	:: |--> If _Num1=1234567, returns 12345.67 with a new length of 8.
	:: Note that this subroutine assumes that the number being changed is 
	:: an integer - there's no error checking.
	SET _ReDNum=!%1!
	SET _ReDLen=!%2!
	SET /A _ReDPos=%3
	SET _ReDLeft=
	SET _ReDRight=
	SET _ReDResult=
	IF %_ReDPos% LEQ %_ReDLen% (
		SET _ReD0=0
		SET /A _ReDLLen=_ReDPos-1
		SET /A _ReDLen+=1
		CALL SET _ReDLeft=%%_ReDNum:~!_ReD0!,!_ReDLLen!%%
		CALL SET _ReDRight=%%_ReDNum:~!_ReDLLen!,!_ReDLen!%%
		SET _ReDResult=!_ReDLeft!.!_ReDRight!
	) ELSE (
		SET _ReDResult=!_ReDNum!
	ENDLOCAL & SET %1=%_ReDResult%& SET %2=%_ReDLen%

	SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
	:: Used to match length and decimal position of two number strings
	:: Requires - :ExtPad, :ExtDim
	:: Accepts the following parameters (passed by reference):
	:: %1, %2 - Two numbers to match
	:: %3, %4 - Length and decimal position of padded numbers.
	:: Optionally accepts the following (passed by value)
	:: %5, %6 - Length and decimal position of %1
	:: %7, %8 - Length and decimal position of %2
	:: Example invocation:
	:: CALL :ExtMatchPad _Num1 _Num2
	:: |--> Makes _Num1 and _Num2 have the same length
	::      and decimal position
	:: So, 1234.5 and 1.2345 become 1234.5000 and 0001.2345.

	SET _MatchPad1=!%1!
	SET _MatchPad2=!%2!
	SET _MatchPadL=
	SET _MatchPadD=
	IF NOT [%8]==[] (
		SET _MatchPadL2=%7
		SET _MatchPadD2=%8
	) ELSE CALL :ExtDim %_MatchPad2% _MatchPadL2 _MatchPadD2
	IF NOT [%6]==[] (
		SET _MatchPadL1=%5
		SET _MatchPadD1=%6
	) ELSE CALL :ExtDim %_MatchPad1% _MatchPadL1 _MatchPadD1

	:: Add a decimal if one number has a decimal and the other doesn't.
	IF %_MatchPadD1% GTR %_MatchPadL1% (
		IF %_MatchPadD2% LEQ %_MatchPadL2% (
			CALL :ExtMakeFloat _MatchPad1 _MatchPadL1
	IF %_MatchPadD2% GTR %_MatchPadL2% (
		IF %_MatchPadD1% LEQ %_MatchPadL1% (
			CALL :ExtMakeFloat _MatchPad2 _MatchPadL2
	:: Pad number strings so they both line up.
	IF %_MatchPadD1% GTR %_MatchPadD2% (
		SET /A "_DPadLen=_MatchPadD1-_MatchPadD2"
		CALL :ExtPad _MatchPad2 !_DPadLen! L _MatchPadL2 _MatchPadD2
		SET _MatchPadD=_MatchPadD1
	IF %_MatchPadD2% GTR %_MatchPadD1% (
		SET /A "_DPadLen=_MatchPadD2-_MatchPadD1"
		CALL :ExtPad _MatchPad1 !_DPadLen! L _MatchPadL1 _MatchPadD1
		SET _MatchPadD=_MatchPadD2

	IF %_MatchPadL1% GTR %_MatchPadL2% (
		SET /A _LPadLen=_MatchPadL1-_MatchPadL2
		CALL :ExtPad _MatchPad2 !_LPadLen! R _MatchPadL2 _MatchPadD2
		SET _MatchPadL=_MatchPadL1
	IF %_MatchPadL2% GTR %_MatchPadL1% (
		SET /A _LPadLen=_MatchPadL2-_MatchPadL1
		CALL :ExtPad _MatchPad1 !_LPadLen! R _MatchPadL1 _MatchPadD1
		SET _MatchPadL=_MatchPadL2
	IF NOT DEFINED _MatchPadL SET _MatchPadL=%_MatchPadL1%
	IF NOT DEFINED _MatchPadD SET _MatchPadD=%_MatchPadD1%

	ENDLOCAL & SET %1=%_MatchPad1%& SET %2=%_MatchPad2%& SET %3=%_MatchPadL%& SET %4=%_MatchPadD%

	SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
	:: Used to add a decimal point to a number string
	:: Accepts the following parameters:
	:: %1 - The variable that needs a decimal point
	:: Example invocation:
	:: CALL :ExtMakeFloat _Num _Len
	:: |--> Returns _Num with a . at the end (1234 -> 1234.)
	:: |--> Automatically increments length by one.

	SET _FloatNum=!%1!
	SET /A _FloatLength=%2

	:: Only do this if we really need to...
	CALL :ExtDim %_FloatNum% _FloatLen _FloatDec
	IF %_FloatDec% GTR %_FloatLen% (
		SET _FloatNum=!_FloatNum!.
		SET /A _FloatLength+=1
	ENDLOCAL & SET %1=%_FloatNum%& SET /A %2=%_FloatLength%

	SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
	:: Used to pad a number to facilitate mathematical operations
	:: Accepts the following parameters:
	:: %1 - The variable that needs to be padded
	:: %2 - The number of positions to pad
	:: %3 - The direction the pad needs to be applied (L or R)
	:: %4 - Length variable - Returned with padded length
	:: %5 - Decimal variable - Returned with adjusted position
	:: Example invocation:
	:: CALL :ExtPad _Num 5 L _Len _Dec
	:: |--> Returns padded length and decimal position in _Len & _Dec.
	:: |--> Returns padded number back in _Num

	SET _PadNum=!%1!
	SET /A _PadLength=%4
	SET /A _PadDecimal=%5
	IF %3==L (
		FOR /L %%G IN (1,1,%2) DO (
			SET _PadNum=0!_PadNum!
			SET /A _PadLength+=1
			SET /A _PadDecimal+=1
	IF %3==R (
		FOR /L %%G IN (1,1,%2) DO (
			SET _PadNum=!_PadNum!0
			SET /A _PadLength+=1
	ENDLOCAL & SET %1=%_PadNum%& SET /A %4=%_PadLength% & SET /A %5=%_PadDecimal%

	SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
	:: Used to get the string length and decimal position of a number.
	:: Accepts three parameters:
	:: %1 - The number that needs its size and precision
	:: %2 - A variable in which the size is returned
	:: %3 - A variable in which the position of the decimal is returned
	:: Returns length and decimal position by reference.
	:: Example invocation:
	:: CALL :ExtDim %_Num% _Len _Dec
	SET _DimLength=0
	SET _DimDecimal=-1
	SET _DimArg=%1
	SET _DimPos=1
		CALL SET _DimLCheck=%%_DimArg:~%_DimLength%,%_DimPos%%%
		IF NOT DEFINED _DimLCheck GOTO ExitDimLoop
		SET /A _DimLength+=1
		IF %_DimLCheck%==. SET _DimDecimal=%_DimLength%
	GOTO DimLoop
	IF %_DimDecimal% EQU -1 SET /A "_DimDecimal=_DimLength+1"
	ENDLOCAL & SET /A %2=%_DimLength% & SET /A %3=%_DimDecimal%


#2 22 Jan 2015 08:40

From: Bulgaria
Registered: 03 Dec 2009
Posts: 446

Re: Batch-Only Math - With Floating Point & Bignum

Woow  yikes

Looks like a lot of work.
Still trying it with some numbers ,but anyway - there's a simple way to increase the performance at some places.

I can see you're using  a lot of CALL SET. Even under delayed expansion.
CALL decreases performance - check this -

instead of this (e.g.)

CALL SET _UnDRight=%%_UnDNum:~%_UnDDec%,!_UnDRLen!%%

you can use this:

for /f "tokens=1,2" %%a in ("!_UnDDec! !_UnDRLen!") do set _UnDRight=!_UnDNum:~%%a,%%b!

it's more verbose but its faster (

or instead of this:

CALL SET _DivCol=%%_DivN:~%_DivLoop%,%_IntLen%%%

you can use this

setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set _DivCol=!_DivN:%_DivLoop%,%_IntLen%!
endlocal && (
  set _DivCol=%_DivCol%

As endlocal part can be put where is convenient.

check also MACRO technique -
It makes code hard to read but can improve performance a lot.

Here's ready to use String length macro by jeb:

(and as I can see you use string length a lot)

Last edited by npocmaka (22 Jan 2015 08:47)


#3 22 Jan 2015 09:04

From: Bulgaria
Registered: 03 Dec 2009
Posts: 446

Re: Batch-Only Math - With Floating Point & Bignum

Whatever expression I try I get

( was unexpected at this time.


#4 22 Jan 2015 16:43

From: Nevada
Registered: 22 Jan 2015
Posts: 5

Re: Batch-Only Math - With Floating Point & Bignum

npocmaka wrote:

Whatever expression I try I get

( was unexpected at this time.

You have to space out the arguments when using the script. For example:

C:\Users\--->MathLibrary.cmd 1+2
( was unexpected at this time.
C:\Users\--->MathLibrary.cmd 1 + 2

As for macros vs. CALL statements, thanks for the heads up! At this stage in the game, I was focused on readability more than performance, though I wanted to get performance within a certain "acceptable" bound, since I had a feeling it would take a while to get things more or less "working". Now that I have things roughly where I want them, accuracy-wise, I can start paying more attention to performance and optimization, which I'm really looking forward to. For example, when I first started writing the script, I would pre-declare my integers using SET /A so that I could tell at a glance whether I was working with a native CMD integer or a number string. I eventually replaced the SET /A statements with plain SET statements where possible, which gave me a 5% performance boost (I timed it with the UnitTest.cmd script available from the GitHub project).


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